Good sports
The Australian Drug Foundation were looking for a way to connect with local sports club without seeming like a 'big brother' organisation. The Mustard creative team was tasked with re-positioning the brand to cater specifically to sports clubs.
The Approach
No one wants to let the team down; sporting clubs have a passionate culture of friendship and looking after each other. We aimed to highlight this sentiment in language that was natural to the Australian sporting environment.
Good Sports ‘Beating Heart Competition’
Tasked with growing the good sports database, mustard proposed utilising a digitally-led competition to engage with the local sporting community, asking people to nominate their sport club’s ‘beating heart’. This encouraged passionate local members to become vocal brand champions and generated rich content that demonstrated the 'Good Sports' brand values.
Good Sports Campaign
Good Sports 'Beating Heart' Campaign
Good Sports Website Development
Good Sports Brand Development